Welcome to PicLily!

Convert your text to a series of images for use in your ESL classroom, speech therapy clinic, business presentation, etc.

FREE text to image slide generation service. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: e-mail us with the word, phrase or sentence you want converted to pictures.
Step 2: first slide is on us! We will process the remaining slides for a nominal fee.
Step 3: we will customize the slides to get them perfect for your uses.

Free resources and ideas for how to use our service:

Song Lyrics

Children’s Stories

Vocabulary Slides

Lines for a School Play

Speech Therapy Sentences

Business slide deck

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User Testimonials

“PicLily is indispensable in my ESL classroom. I use it every day to teach kids age 0-8 vocabulary, songs and full sentences that would be impossible to learn and understand without pictures. Thank you PicLily!” – Chris, English teacher at Dream Kids Network, Tokyo

“Our English teacher is only here once a week, so your materials help our kids to engage with English every day.” Sanao, manager of Toda Day Care, Saitama

“Our students watch PicLily videos every day. They love dancing and singing along with the pictures.” – Norie, manager of Nadeshiko Day Care, Saitama